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2024-01-04 16:46:22 Thursday


The inability to enable the virtual editor while using the Githuber-MD markdown plugin in WordPress could be due to a few factors:

  1. Conflict with Other Markdown Plugins: If you have other Markdown plugins activated, they may conflict with Githuber-MD, especially during the submission of posts. This could cause syntax conversion issues between Markdown and HTML. Disabling other Markdown plugins might resolve the issue【18†source】.

  2. Content Saving Process of Githuber-MD: Githuber-MD saves Markdown content in wp_posts.post_content_filtered and then parses the Markdown to HTML, saving the parsed HTML content into wp_posts.post_content【19†source】. This unique way of handling content might affect the functionality of the virtual editor.

  3. Post-Specific Markdown Enable/Disable Feature: The plugin allows enabling or disabling Markdown for individual posts. If Markdown is disabled for a specific post, it may affect the use of the virtual editor for that post【20†source】.

  4. Gutenberg Editor Support: Githuber-MD supports the Gutenberg editor. You can disable Markdown for a post and then revert to using the Gutenberg editor. This suggests that there might be compatibility considerations or toggles between different editors when using the plugin【21†source】.

To address the issue, you should check the plugin settings to ensure it’s configured correctly and that there are no conflicts with other plugins or editor settings in WordPress. If the problem persists, it might be helpful to consult the plugin’s documentation or seek support from the plugin developers.